29 October 2014

Import a pre-build application code into eclipse

Suppose we want to run a code on a pc which we have made  on another pc .
What shall we do ????

What are we going to do ?
-> We will run a previously existing android project on eclipse by importing it from any of the location .

What we need ?
  • ADT
  • The project folder .
Step 1: Find the location of the android project you want to run . Example: Here we will use a pre-existing project named videocamera into eclipse stored on desktop .

Step 2: Start eclipse adt by choosing workspace of your choice.Click on File-> Import .
choose import

 Step 3: Click on Android-> Existing Android Code in workspace and click Next .
existing code

Step 4 : Click on Browse besides Root directory and  just select the folder of your project (Note: Do not select and files from inside the folder, just select the whole folder) and click OK .
browse project

Step 5 : Then you will see the project inside the projects box, .Tick on "copy projects into workspace" and then click on Finish .
tick project

Step 6: You will see your project in the Project Explorer and then run it or reuse it .

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